


Doubanjiang – What is it? Doubanjiang (豆瓣醬) is a sauce/ paste that is made from fermented beans. It is a very common Chinese condiment and is a staple in my kitchen! There are many different types of fermented bean paste that come from different regions of China. Depending on the region and the beans used, the flavour profiles and taste of the sauce is completely different. Commonly used beans for fermentation are soy beans, black beans or broad beans. Some doubanjiang have chilli added during the manufacturing process which adds another dimension of flavour and heat. What Doubanjiang should you use? All doubanjiangs are delicious and are instant flavour bombs. Generally, you should use one that comes from the same region as the dish you are planning to make. The doubanjiang I have in my kitchen is a Taiwanese one that uses soybeans as the base. I found Taiwanese doubanjiang…

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