


What is sourdough starter? Sourdough starter a fermented live culture of flour and water. It is used as a means to leaven sourdough bread. Bread is typically made with yeast, flour and water. It replaces commercial yeast, to help the bread rise. Because the starter is rich in unique and individual microflora, the resulting sourdough bread will have its own rich, tangy and unique flavour profile. Starter is still a form of yeast, however it is made of naturally occurring wild yeast in the environment. What do I need to make my own sourdough starter? To make your very own sourdough starter, you only need a few ingredients and materials. You only need flour, water, scales and a jar! I recommend using filtered or bottled water if you want the flavour profile of your starter to be as controlled as possible. For flour, I’d recommend starting off with plain or…

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